Keller Williams Advantage III - Luis Alban
Luis Alban
Keller Williams Advantage III
Miami, FL
English / Spanish
Licence #:SL3575140 -FL / REALTOR®naLuis Alban at Keller Williams Advantage III
Každá kancelář Keller Williams® je vlastněna a provozována nezávisle
Moje údaje
JAZYKY English, Spanish
VOJENSKÁ PŘÍSLUŠNOST Veteran - United States United States Army Veteran - United States United States National Guard
TRŽNÍ CENTRUM Keller Williams Advantage III

O mně

Luis Alban was born and raised in the Bronx, NY, and moved to Orlando, Florida. He comes from a background of over 16 years in the military and brings loyalty and respect to bear when working with his real estate clients. With experience in relocating worldwide multiple times, he brings expertise in finding properties promptly.
Luis Alban is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Business, and his entrepreneurship skills give him a unique insight into how to bargain, protect clients, find the best deals, and market properties.
Luis’s wife, Iryna, accompanies Luis with experience in interior design and negotiating homes for the best price in her home country, Belarus. She now joins Luis and partners to give clients an immersive and seamless experience when purchasing or selling property. 
Luis Alban served 16 years in the United States Army and has deployed to Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait, and the Republic of Georgia. Luis was honored with multiple awards and achievements for merit and exceptional service. Luis learned leadership, teamwork, and organization skills unique to the armed forces, bringing them to bear in his Real Estate career to serve buyers and sellers.
Luis Alban entered the real estate world to be a self-employed entrepreneur, provide better opportunities for his family, network with industry professionals, and help people accomplish their homeownership dreams, but he hasn’t looked back.
Luis Alban is married and lives in Kissimmee, FL, with his wife. He has two boys. He spends his free time improving his physical fitness, walking long distances with his wife, and enjoying nature.

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My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Luis Alban
Licenční číslo: SL3575140
Luis Alban at Keller Williams Advantage III

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Keller Williams Advantage III
9161 Narcoossee Road, Ste. 107 Orlando, FL 32827

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